Installing ShrewSoft VPN on Ubuntu 14.04

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For those of us that need to connect to clients/partners that use the Cisco VPN utility, getting it to work on Linux can sometimes be a bit of a mission. Luckily the Open Source World always has one or more alternatives. In this case, ShrewSoft VPN.

Follow the steps in this guide carefully and you’ll have the client working and running in no time.
Please note, this post is an adaption of this StackExchange question/answer.

Step 1: Download the required shrewsoft package – v2.2.1 as of the time of this article – to your working directory. I will use /var/tmp as my working directory in this tutorial

cd /var/tmp

Step 2: Untar

tar -zxvf ike-2.2.1-release.tgz

Step 3: Install dependencies (there are a number)

sudo apt-get install cmake libqt4-core libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libedit-dev libssl-dev checkinstall

Step 4: Build the install files

cd /var/tmp/ike

Step 5: Install the application

sudo checkinstall -y

Step 6: Create the config file

sudo cp /var/tmp/ike/source/iked/iked.conf.sample  /etc/iked.conf

Step 7: Start the ike deamon

sudo iked

Step 8: Start the graphical user interface (gui) and use ShrewSoft!

sudo qikea

Step 9 (optional): Create a shortcut on your desktop to the gui

cd ~/Desktop
ln -s /usr/bin/qikea Shrewsoft

Now you can just launch the client from the desktop. Enjoy!

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  1. Joseph S.

    You forgot a few other packages like flex and bison, so the full apt-get install line would be:

    sudo apt-get install -y cmake libqt4-core libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libedit-dev libssl-dev checkinstall flex bison
